Colors Song By Jason Derulo

Submitted corrections or missing lines will be added to 'Jason Derulo & Maluma – Colors Lyrics' within 24hrs after approval. To add notes or give explanations to 'Jason Derulo & Maluma – Colors Lyrics', highlight any line or word and click 'Annotate'. One of those is the song “Colors” by Jason Derulo, which serves as Coca-Cola’s official anthem for the tournament. Veer zaara film song download. Let’s get straight to the heart of the matter. “Colors”, which Jason Derulo wrote by himself, isn’t as bad as you may think.

Colours Song By Jason Derulo Download

Colors song by jason derulo song

Jason performed the track at the live final of Saturday Night Takeaway in April 2018 How old is Jason Derulo? What's his background? Jason Derulo, born Jason Joel Desrouleaux, 28, is a musician, producer and songwriter. Born to Haitian parents, he grew up in Miramar Florida where he attended a performing arts school. He has been a solo recording artist since 2009, and has released five studio albums during that time.