Jurnal Manajemen Sekolah

Abstract Abstract. Popular expectations of quality education in line with the demands of the business world to obtain quality workers. Thus education providers, must be able to respond to and accommodate the expectations and demands of the decision-making process to improve the quality of education. Colors song by jason derulo. This gives confidence that the decision-making process can be used a variety of theories, perspectives and frames of reference (framework)-based school. This assumption gives the consequence that a school should be a major part in the decision-making process in improving the quality of education.


While public participation is required in order to better understand education, while government has a role in determining the basic framework of education policy. Kata Kunci: Manajemen, Mutu Pendidikan, Berbasis Sekolah. Abdul Wahab S., Analisis Kebijakan dari Formulasi ke Implementasi Kebijakan Negara, Cet.IV; Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2003.

Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran

Artikel Jurnal Ilmiah Tentang Manajemen Pendidikan Pdf. Education is a tool to elevate the degree and quality of the nation. Good management is needed for the continuity of the education process.

Jurnal Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah

Jurnal manajemen sekolah

Rumtini dan Jiyono, “Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah: Konsep dan Kemungkinan Strategi Pelaksanaannya di Indonesia” dalam Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Juni Tahun Ke 5 No. Salladien, Alternatif Model Pendidikan Berorientasi Dunia Kerja, Edisi Khusus-HUT-FE-UM. Manajemen berbasis sekolah juga sering disalah tafsirkan dengan konsep swastanisasi pendidikan. Hal ini berdampak buruk bagi sekolah khususnya terhadap timbulnya pandangan negatif masyarakat yang seolah‐olah memandang semua beban sekolah dibebankan kepada orang tua murid.